

Palm/Passion Sunday 2019
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Hamilton, Ohio
Pastor Kevin Jud 
April 14, 2019

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Abbreviated sermon for Palm/Passion Sunday. 


            On Sunday Jesus sends two disciples to get a donkey from a stranger.

            On Thursday Jesus sends two disciples a man’s house to prepare the guest room for the Passover meal.

            On Sunday the disciples take off their outer cloaks and put them on the donkey and lay them on the road to honor Jesus.

            On Thursday Jesus takes off His outer garments and gets on His knees to wash His disciples’ feet.

            On Sunday Jesus rides a donkey down the Mount of Olives in a triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

            On Friday Jesus carries His cross out of Jerusalem and up mount Calvary with the help of Simon from Cyrene in North Africa.

            On Sunday there are shouts of gladness, “Hosanna!  Hosanna!  Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

            On Friday morning there are shouts of, “Crucify!  Crucify Him!”

            On Sunday a great crowd welcomes Jesus into Jerusalem.

            On Friday a great multitude follows Jesus out of the city mourning and lamenting.

            On Sunday Jesus cleanses the temple from those who would use it to sell things and make money. 

On Friday the curtain in the temple separating the people from the Holy of Holies is torn in two. 

            On Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem like a triumphant King.

            On Friday Jesus is executed like despised criminal and laid in a borrowed tomb.

            After three days, on Sunday, Jesus emerges from the tomb.

            And He does it all for you.  To save you from your sins.  Amen